a WiFi IoT Robotic Shield


Quick Start handbook


“MuseLab Booster” is one of the latest and most powerful IoT shields that is presently available in the market. The shield (with the MuseLab edge connector) is developed by MuseLab. When you insert your micro:bit into the edge connector, your micro:bit will be WIFI enabled. In other words, micro:bit is able to access the Internet using our MuseLab shield. 

Structure Diagram

There is a screen, 3v/5v switch and a WIFI module on the shield. The screen is indeed very useful – it shows the information like IP address and the battery status. For the switch, you can alter the output voltage of the 4 i/o pins.

There are 4 input/output pins, 1 I2C pin for you to do the project! You can insert different input like light and sound sensors. For output, you can use LED, buzzer, servo and so on.

Detailed Pin-Out Table

Module Pin Remarks
General 3V/5V
I/O P0
P12 Analog write only
Servo D5
WiFi P16 (RX)
P8 (TX)
I²C P19 (SCK)
P20 (SDA)

How to program Booster on micro:bit

To program MuseLab modules with micro:bit, you will need to add the Muselab PXT packages to your makecode environment.

Step 1: Find the “Add Package” option at the bottom

Step 2: Enter  “muselab”

Step 3: You can find 4 more tabs under “Basic” like “MuseIoT”, “MuseRobotic” and so on.

FISRT STEP: Connect WiFi

At first, we have to initialize the Booster.

Step 1: Go to MuseIoT -> Initialize MuseLab Wi-Fi Booster and OLED

If you open the shield, the screen will show shield information after “Initialize OK”. The information contains the version number firmware version number and the battery level.