
MuseLab Robotic Arm

The perfect product for beginner and advanced STEM projects.

Boys and girls alike will enjoy creating a robotic arm from scratch. No parts are pre-assembled, thus requires the students to pay close attention to details when putting together all parts while learning to engineer. With our video assembly guide, it is a fun for everyone!

4 axis are yet to be controlled, either with direct input slider via our smartphone or web application, or by any other easy-to-use programming software, like SNAP!

The Muse RoboticArm also bundles up with our MuseBricks® and MuseLab Edge-Connector for BBC Micro:Bit.

Getting Started


Make Code

A Blocks / JavaScript code editor for the micro:bit powered by Microsoft MakeCode

Open link


Laser cut wooden parts

Laser cut wooden parts

  • 14x pieces of precisely cut parts
4x Servo Motors

4x Servo Motors

  • 180° Servo
2x Ball Bearings

2x Ball Bearings

various Screws and Nuts

various Screws and Nuts

Technical Specifications

4x Rotary Axis

4x Rotary Axis

180° Servo


Ball Bearings

Ball Bearings

2 of 4 Axis are supported by ball bearings.

Compatible Products